Online edition: ISSN 2434-2327
Print edition: ISSN 2434-2335
学術誌の新しいありかたを実験するための学術誌 Journal of Science and Philosophy (JSP)
2018年9月19日 発行
- 創刊号へ向けて
- ハーバート・スペンサーにおける個人主義思想の再検討
- 物理的 “実在” についての哲学的試論
- 時を巡る思考の散策《フィールドワーク》
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飯澤 正登実 (やまなみ書房)
Journal of Science and Philosophy ( J. Sci. Philos. または JSP ) の制作・発売を担当させていただいているやまなみ書房の飯澤です。編集委員会ではない第三者の立場から本誌をご紹介させて戴きます。
久野 真隆 (慶應義塾大学大学院 文学研究科 哲学・倫理学専攻)
The main objective of this paper is to reexamine Herbert Spencer’s individualism. In most cases, Spencer is regarded as a philosopher, who claims individualism. It is clear from works already reported that he maintains his individualism. Moreover, it has been often discussed whether Spencer adapted individualism to his evolutionary theory.
But, in the traditional studies of Spencer’s individualism, it is possible that his individualism is still incompletely understood. In the light of this situation, this paper attempts to review his individualism and lay out a new interpretation.
First, this paper will give an outline of a conventional explanation of Spencer’s individualism. Second, it will examine this old explanation. Third, it will point out some problems on that. Finally, the paper will show a possibility of a new interpretation of Spencer’s individualism.
物理的 “実在” についての哲学的試論
杉尾 一 (上智大学 文学部 哲学科)
This study was performed to adjust the difference between Einstein’s metaphysics and Bohr’s epistemology. Many physicists and philosophers know their controversy, but most of them do not know what kind of philosophy made them contend with each other. For this reason, this paper presents Einstein’s metaphysics and Bohr’s epistemology, which are based on Kant’s philosophy. For this purpose, this study deals with EPR, Einstein’s letter to Schröodinger, and Bohr’s interpretation of quantum mechanics. In this process, you find that EPR did not reflect Einstein’s metaphysics, and also understand the difference between Bohr’s interpretation of quantum mechanics and so-called “Copenhagen Interpretation.” As a result, this paper shows that Einstein’s metaphysics and Bohr’s epistemology should not be opposed to each other, and their philosophy rather promotes development of physics.
脇本 佑紀 (ニュートンワークス株式会社)
この文書は時に関する歴史散策/思考を筆の随に遊ばせる、エッセイのようなものであり、随筆であり、試みである。 主に物理学を、副に哲学を軸とする。詩と神話にも触れる。随所に稚拙な理解/散漫な論理展開が見られるが、アカデミック・ソフィスティケーションの萌芽として、ご指導ご鞭撻のほどを賜りたく献じるものである。
〒102-8554 東京都千代田区 紀尾井町7-1 上智大学7号館313 内
Association for Science and Philosophy
Journal of Science and Philosophy 編集委員会
Journal of Science and Philosophy 編集委員会について
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